This simple page is to let you set the title of the page, so that when this window is minimized in the dock (as in Mac), the title shows up when you hover the app. This is most useful if you use multiple tabs in a web browser, you then minimize the window containing the tabs, and you want to know what the tabs in the window are about when you hover the app.

My use case is that I often group multiple related bookmarks for a project (think of a project as a task that I want to work on which requires some researching, Google doc writing, etc) into a folder. Then, when I work on that project, I use the "Open All Bookmarks in New Window" feature in the web browser. Most of the time, I work on several projects at a time. I like to minimize windows that I don't need, and the hover feature let me switch to a specific "project window" easily. Besides, I can set the title to include some status of the project, so I can regain my context when I switch back to the project.